“GYRE: THE PLASTIC OCEAN” travels with the Smithsonian
Posted on May 10, 2015
In a culture dependent upon the modern convenience of plastic, throwaway products of consumption are affecting oceans and shrinking our world as we all become connected through our trash. Organized and first exhibited in Anchorage, Alaska, “GYRE: The Plastic Ocean” combines art and science to bring the problem into perspective. Now, through the Smithsonian, “GYRE” is on display at the David J. Spencer CDC Museum in Atlanta, Georgia until June 19, 2015. This fall, “GYRE” will travel to the USC Fisher Museum of Art in Los Angeles and open on September 2, 2015.
Three of my works are included in “GYRE.” I illustrate what I see through my imagination to make these concerns real to others. “Plastic Reef” shows a diver encountering a reef of discarded plastic bottles. “Tires Underwater” lets a child swim in dangerously trashed waters. “Eve and the Apple” is my version of the Garden of Eden after climate change.
“GYRE: The Plastic Ocean” was also created as a compelling book by Julie Decker and the Anchorage Museum staff. It is now available on for those who want to find out more about how artists can add illumination this pressing environmental problem.